Thursday, July 17, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

Article Submission Software - 4 Steps To Selecting The Best One

Posted: 17 Jul 2008 02:07 AM CDT

Improve your search engine rankings quickly and easily. By using article submission software to automatically submit your articles to hundreds of directories, you’ll get hundreds of free quality backlinks to your website. This will significantly increase the traffic to your website.

There are so many article submission software and services around that it becomes difficult to decide which one to use. When selecting an article submission software, there are several things you need to look out for. Not all programs are the same. If you follow these 4 steps, you’ll be able to submit your articles quickly and easily (in only a few minutes).
1. Select a FULLY AUTOMATED “one click submission” Software
Many article submission programs are semi-automatic which means you still have to manually go to each individual directory to submit your article. Who has the time to do that? The ideal program will allow you to fill in the required information one time, and then you’re done. Just hit a button one time and sit back and watch the software automatically submit the article to all the directories for you.

2. Select a Software that Submits Your Articles to Hundreds of Directories
By submitting your articles to hundreds of directories, you will get hundreds of links to your website. This will significantly increase your search engine rankings. This will also help you gain credibility which will result in more sales for you.

3. Select a Software that Gives You an Up to Date List of Article Directories
It’s almost impossible to keep up with all the article directories. If you have a good submission software, you won’t have to keep up with them. The program will do that for you. Everytime you open the software, it should automatically update the directory list for you.

4. Select a Software that Gets Near Perfect Submission Results
Some article submission programs will put your articles in the wrong categories. This could keep people from being able to find your articles. If you choose a software that allows you to select the general category/specific category for your articles, then you will have near perfect submission results. This is still something that’s done one time. You select the category once, and then you’re done.

If you follow these 4 steps when selecting an article submission software, you will be able to successfully submit your articles quickly and easily.

Finally, the help I needed to make money on the internet!

Posted: 16 Jul 2008 04:31 AM CDT

I have been trying to figure out how to make money on the internet for years now. I can’t say I put a lot of effort into it. I just tried a little here a little there and not much came of it. Back when the net was new I tried buying a few domain names, that didn’t work out it seems all the good ones were taken and I was in the game a little too late. Then I thought about the affiliate programs that were out there. So I found a few web stores that I would sign on to be an affiliate with. This didn’t work out because you had to be a PHD or a web programmer to understand how to do it.
More recently I tried E-bay. I sold everything I had that was lying around and I knew I wouldn’t be using. Then I ran out of stuff. I tried looking for wholesale places to buy products to sell. That is a lot easier in theory than in real life. I finally came across drop ship wholesalers on the web. I even paid for the service of one of them. What a rip off. It seems like they are more a retail service than a wholesale service. Every item I thought would be good to sell was the same price or lower on Ebay, so how could I make any money? It has been very discouraging. I decided to do a little research and try again. This time my research led me back to affiliates. The concept has come a long way since I first tried it. There are websites out there, like ClickBank, where you can sign up and they give you access to tons of things to promote and you collect commissions. Sounds easy so I did it. I found something to promote I signed up for Google adwords and I wrote an ad to link right to the product. “I was going to be rich, this is easy”, I thought. Well two days later I sold one item made a commission of $14.00 and owed Google adwords $68.00 bucks. I was really discouraged now and determined. I could see the possibilities but I didn’t know how to do it. So I searched the web for answers. What did I get? I got tons of programs and eBooks people wanted to sell me to teach me how to do it. Great but which one was best? I then checked for reviews and I found that almost all the review sites were just created to get you to buy whatever they were selling. Still determined, I sifted through all the review sites and found the most informative and honest (in my opinion) and then I ranked the products. I created a website that ranks them if you’re interested (, that’s not the point of this article. The point is one product consistently received great reviews so I bought it. Actually I subscribed to the service. Only $30 a month and you can cancel anytime. I am confident for the first time in 12 years that I can create a very good income on the internet. They have an 8 week program which at first ticked me off because they only reveal one week at a time and I thought, “Great another scam to keep me subscribed and take my money.” Then I checked out their forum, which by the way is part of the 1st lesson from the 8 week program. I hit a gold mine; the forum is loaded with postings from real internet entrepreneurs who are making good money right now. They reveal exactly what they are doing and how I can do it to. I know the next question you may ask yourself is “Why would they do that?” I asked the same question and the answer is they were just like you and me. Good, honest hard working people who just needed to catch a break or learn something in order to be successful. It’s just that simple once we have the knowledge and tools anything is possible. The program is “The Wealthy Affiliate University” and if you do decide to try it, once you subscribe send me an email and I will be available to answer any questions you might have. Good Luck!!

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